Our Purpose:

To establish a coalition of industry-connected workforce, education, government, and labor partners committed to ensuring equity and access to careers in the arts, media, and entertainment (AME) industries for historically excluded and underrepresented groups. 

Our Vision:

Ultimately, EEA exists because of a collective vision to build a more inclusive, equitable, and diverse entertainment industry. We aim to establish a stronger school-to-career pipeline by bolstering work-based learning opportunities and enhancing career exposure and education for youth and historically excluded communities.

EEA will identify best practices and research-based solutions to industry-specific challenges to uplift underserved communities within the entertainment industry.

Our Collective Goals:


To provide industry-aligned AME education, work-based learning, and apprenticeship opportunities


To pool resources and establish shared goals, accountability, and a scalable model for collective impact


To collaborate with union leadership and employers to diversify the creative sector and support development of more living wage jobs


To create an online hub for AME training and pipeline programs


To conduct research that can be used to influence policy and support the creative workforce ecosystem

Arts, Media, & Entertainment

High Road℠ Training Partnership

The Arts, Media, & Entertainment High Road Training Partnership (AME-HRTP) is the first large-scale, multi-year initiative to bridge training and education programs with employment and drive economic mobility for underrepresented AME workers in California’s creative economy. Led by the BRIC Foundation in partnership with the California Workforce Development Board, this historic program was born from the establishment of the EEA and BRIC’s work with the California Department of Education AME Advisory Board.